Pre-Screening and Recruitment
Save time and money using our service that is at low or even no cost to you! Stop wasting money on costly advertising and cut the labor of screening through hundreds of applicants. We assist hundreds of companies with their hiring and placement needs.
Streamline Your Hiring Process
- Post online on CalJOBS
- Job openings posted in Rio Hondo AJCC lobby area
- Postings distributed to Partner for Progresss Networking Group, EDD, other WorkSource Centers, and Community Resource Agencies around the area
- Telemarket to Rio Hondo AJCC's job seeker pool
Prepare Applicants
- Inform applicants about your job opening, dress codes, and interview process
- Provide self-screen applicants
Organize Recruitment
- Provide facilities for informal or one-on-one interviews
- Set up for interviews - sign-in and track applicants, prevoide company application, pens and other related materials
- Manage your applicant flow
- Follow-up with candidate and employers
If you're interested in scheduling a recruitment, give us a call at (562) 946-2237 ext. 270 or message us.