Move forward with your educational goals

SASSFA helps youth to plan out how and when to pursue their individual educational goal. Youth could be at a point where they are pursuing a diploma or GED, a vocational training program, or they could be looking at how to get into college. We can help you plan out your strategy for how to get into the educational program you want and how to complete it successfully.

Did we mention it's free?

Our services are 100% free of charge to all. We are a federally-funded, non-profit whose aim is to help the public find jobs. So, we encourage you to come visit and take advantage of our programs.

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Having trouble with basic math or english? The Youth Program offers tutoring to students enrolled in our program.

100% Services Funded by the Los Angeles County Workforce Development Board with funds from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Workforce Development Aging and Community Services (WDACS) and the Los Angeles County America's Job Centers of California are equal opportunity employers/programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request, to individuals with disabilities. TTY (562) 236-2899.