Your Timesheet

Your supervisor will be informed of the maximum hours per day and per week that you may work. You and your supervisor will keep a daily log of these hours on the time sheet provided by SASSFA. Other time sheets or records may not be used. You and your supervisor will sign the time sheet. The signatures indicate that both agree that the information on the time sheet is accurate and correct. You may not work overtime under any circumstances.

Time Sheet Requirements

How to fill in your time sheet correctly and get paid on time

  • Use a pen, typewriter, or computer. Pencil and correction fluid may not be used on timecards.
  • Make sure the Supervisor's signature and that of the participant is on the time sheet.
  • The date of both supervisor and participant signatures must be on or after the last day of work.
  • The youth participant must always receive a copy of the completed/signed time sheet.
  • If time sheets are not properly signed and dated, the participant will not be paid.
  • Use standard time only. Do not used ditto marks or military time.
  • No hours are to be entered for days the participant was absent.
  • No paid sick leave or holidays.
  • Please round off the time to the closest 1/4 hour (15 Minutes). That means 7 minutes or less, round up. 8 minutes or more, round up.
  • Work time must always be recorded after the work is performed, never before.
  • Correction on the time sheet must be initialed by both the Supervisor and the participant. This authorizes the corrections and eliminates confusion.
  • Payments will not be made on incorrect time sheets. Time sheets which violate the above rules will be sent back to the work site for correction.
  • Participants may work an average of 100 hours.

Download Your Timesheet

It is important that you download the correct timesheet depending on if you are enrolled in the NCC or WWP youth program. If you're not sure, please contact your worksite supervisor or SASSFA at (562) 946-2237 x231

100% Services Funded by the Los Angeles County Workforce Development Board with funds from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Workforce Development Aging and Community Services (WDACS) and the Los Angeles County America's Job Centers of California are equal opportunity employers/programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request, to individuals with disabilities. TTY (562) 236-2899.